Are grocery prices finally falling?

While a decrease in grocery prices may not amount to a lot of cash savings, shoppers hope that it is a sign of things to come down the road.

Feeding Florida: Grower's Management

This week, Good Day is sharing the stories of some of the hard-working ranchers and farmers in our state. On Wednesday, we're highlighting Grower's Management, a farm growing Florida sweet corn passed down from father to son.

Increased wildfire dangers in Florida

After brush fires broke out in two separate Tampa area locations on Tuesday, FOX 13's Kellie Cowan is explaining the increased wildfire dangers Floridians face with such dry conditions right now.

Deadpool 1961 VW Bug

Jessica S. is showing off her husband's VW Bug named after Deadpool. Right on time for the new movie!

1966 Ford F100 Custom Cab

Bill in St. Pete submitted this custom Route 66 Ford F100, which was handed down from his father. He and his wife have been restoring it.