Pinellas K-9 duo ready for action after nabbing first suspect

A K-9 officer in Pinellas County just made his first catch as part of the sheriff's office. 

Deputy Kayla Juliet and ‘Jace’ chased down a purse-snatching suspect in Dunedin on Wednesday.  The sheriff's office posted a pic of the proud pair on Facebook after Jace pulled it off.

Jase still had a hold of the suspect’s shoe.

"The dog tracks human odor.  That’s why they point us in the last direction they say the suspect, wherever he was.  And the dog picks up the human odor and basically I’m just following the dog,” Deputy Juliet laughed.  “He’s doing all the work."

Deputies arrested the suspect.   He's facing charges including robbery and resisting arrest.

This all happened on Jace's final day of training.  He's now a full-fledged K-9 officer.