Boy not expected to survive after birth now 10

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Even before he was born, Jack Saville defied the odds. He was born with serious heart defects and doctors did not give his family much hope for his survival. 

Now, thanks to All Children's Hospital, Jack's life is an inspiration.

"It was a dark time because we felt like we were waiting to lose him," Jack's mother, Mary Saville remembered.

"He looked at us and said, 'I am sorry, there is no good way to say this. Your baby isn't going to live,'" Jack's father, Dave Saville added. "He's going to be fine inside mommy, but as soon as he is born. It's going to be minutes that you are going to have this kid."

Potent heart medications kept Jack alive well beyond expectations, however, he wasn't able to do much.

"He hasn't been able to get into the pool, hasn't been able to play baseball. He hasn't been able to be outside or get off the couch much," Dave explained.

That all changed last year at All Children's Hospital, where Jack had a heart transplant, transforming the 10-year-old's life. 

Play time outside would never have been possible. Now, he's running and playing outside. 

"Its incredible. I still feel like I'm pinching myself,"  Mary said.

Jack's outlook on life is now brighter.

"I can run around the back yard and play on the swings," Jack said. "I cannot wait for summer to be in the pool again that was fun."

"I never expected bonus time to be this sweet," Mary added. "I never thought he would be this healthy really ever."

Jack's health and new heart are closely monitored, but his family is so thankful for his progress.

"We went from feeling like we would lose this kid... All of a sudden, we are in some unbelievable bless bonus time," Dave said.

It is time the family thought they would never have together and are so grateful for.