Photographer snaps photo of pirate accused of exposing woman's breast at Gasparilla

A woman who attended Saturday's Gasparilla Parade feels violated by what she says happened to her on a day that was supposed to be fun.

She claims a pirate -- a member of one of the krewes passing by -- pulled her shirt down and groped her. Now, Tampa police are investigating. 

This past Saturday started off as fun for Rina Alvarez.

"We were having a blast. I am still bragging I saw Mario Lopez," Alvarez said.

She and her friends were dressed up, catching beads and enjoying the Gasparilla parade along with thousands of others along Bayshore Boulevard.

"It was awesome. And then this happened," she said.

As one of the krewes passed by, Alvarez says a man dressed as a pirate approached.

"I remember the cigar. He had a cigar in his mouth and didn't say a word the whole time," Alvarez said.

She claims he yanked her blouse and exposed her breast.

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"He just pulled it down and I was all for Bayshore and he tried to stamp me," Alvarez recalled. "And I screamed, 'Stop!' and it was like the world froze for a second."

Alvarez says her friend, a photographer, saw it and quickly snapped photos of the man. Sunday, she posted her experience, along with the photos, to Facebook.

It's since been shared nearly a thousand times. 

We've blurred the faces in this report since no one has been arrested, and so far, Tampa police have not yet named a suspect in the case.

"It shouldn't happen to anybody," Alvarez said. "I didn't ask for it. There were hundreds of pirates there. Why was he the only one that did that to me?"

Based on their outfits, the men pictured were identified as members of Ye Mystic Krewe.

The krewe has since released a statement saying, "The alleged behavior goes against the values and conduct required by this organization. We take the allegations seriously and pledge all available resources to the investigation. As parents, grandparents and siblings we must do all we can to stand against the type of behavior that has been alleged."

"I want better regulations or at least taking a stronger stance against this," Alvarez said.

Alvarez, a Tampa native, has family who've been members of Gasparilla krewes, too. She wants the person who tarnished a Tampa tradition for her to be held accountable.

"Who gave you the right to do that to me? Who the hell do you think you are? I hope he gets everything coming to him," Alvarez said.

According to the police report, the man Alvarez accused of groping her did reach out to her on Facebook, saying he didn't do it, and providing his phone number, which she gave to police.

She stands by her account of what happened.

We reached out to that man but so far, have not heard back.