Coonhound puppy finds himself in big predicament

An inquisitive coonhound puppy got himself into some serious trouble after somehow getting his whole head stuck in a wheel of a tire.

It happened this week in Butte, Montana.

The owner told rescuers he left the eight-month-old pup named "Blaze" by himself in the yard and came home to find Blaze had somehow wedged his head in the wheel. The owner didn't know what to do and called the vet, who called the Butte-Silver Bow Fire Department.

Rescuers responded and used a lot of coconut oil, patience, a lot of tucking of Blaze's very long ears, and some strength from one of the firefighters.

Blaze's head was carefully extracted from the wheel and thankfully, he was not injured. "Hopefully this was a valuable lesson for young Blaze, and we won't have to respond to any more menacing incidents involving this playful puppy," the fire department posted on its Facebook page.