Grumpy Puppy is the newest viral pet sad-face

Grumpy Cat has met her match. A Puggle named "Earl" and his permanent facial expression is making his way onto memes across the internet.

The puppy became an instant internet sensation when his owners posted pictures of his somber face on Reddit. 

The owner, Derek Bloomfield, who lives with his girlfriend, Christine, says despite the dog's gloomy appearance, he's actually an energetic dog who enjoys chasing balls around the park. 

“He had the grumpy expression from day one. The vet said he's as healthy as any other puppy. He just looks grumpy because of his under bite, wrinkles, and dark complexion,” said Bloomfield.

The couple says they are surprised at how quickly this went viral.

Earl has been compared to the grumpy cat, Tardar Sauce, who amassed a $100 million fortune, has inspired countless memes, a best-selling series of books and a movie. The movie, ‘Happiness Finds Grumpy Cat’ is premiering at the Tampa Theatre Tuesday, Aug. 4 and Grumpy Cat herself will be making an appearance.

To see more of Earl be sure to follow his Facebook page, “Earl the Grumpy Puppy and Instagram.