New laser treatment removes problem fat areas

Are you one of those people that exercise all the time, yet your love handles hang on for dear life? If you are, there may be a new procedure out there for you.

It's called Sculpsure and it's offered at the Bassin Center for Plastic Surgery in Tampa.

FOX 13 spoke with a Bassin Center client who decided to have the procedure.  Sophia Rouse said she hits the gym every day, but still has stubborn areas of fat that just won't go away.

"I target certain areas, but sometimes you just need a little bit of extra help," she explained.

Sophia decided to have one treatment of Sculpsure.

"It's the first FDA approved treatment that is actually made for melting fat and body contouring procedures. You are expected to melt away roughly 25 to 30 percent of the fat that's in your problem area," said Dr. Tom Kosowski.

The procedure in non-invasive and only takes 25 minutes.

"The laser actually passes through the skin and it has a high affinity for fat. It actually causes the fat to blow up, then your body's lymphatic system naturally clears the fat," explains Dr. Kosowski.

"Feels fine, I mean it's cold and hot and it's kind of an interesting sensation. If anyone has had electrolysis, it kind of feels like that," Sophia offered.

Dr. Kosowski warns patients that Sculpsure shouldn't be viewed as a procedure for weight loss.

"It's not meant to substitute a healthy diet. It's just for those stubborn fat areas that people have trouble getting rid of with countless hours at the gym," he said.

Before and after photos of patients who have had the procedure seem to show results. As for Sophia, nine weeks later, she is happy with the results and says her clothes are fitting better.

Depending on the size of the trouble area, one treatment of Sculpsure can range from $600 to $6,000. Dr Kosowski says while one treatment is sufficient for some patients, most will require a second one.

Insurance does not cover the procedure.