Smithsonian's Natl. Zoo introduces playful baby orangutan

The Smithsonian's National Zoo's 10-month-old Bornean orangutan, Redd is the first of his kind born at the zoo in 25 years.

He was born Sept. 12, 2016, to mother Batang and father Kyle.

Zoo officials say Batang has pale skin on her face, especially around her eyes and mouth, and is smaller than the zoo’s other female orangutans. Zookeepers say Batang is pretty social, which seems to have been passed down to baby Redd.

Father Kyle is also described a bold and playful, likely adding to Redd's feisty nature.

Zoo staff named the baby orangutan Redd because orangutans are known as the red ape.

Mother Batang was born in December 1996 at the Lincoln Park Zoo. Father Kyle was also born in December 1996, but at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Both came to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in 2004 as part of the Bornean Orangutan Species Survival Plan (SSP).