Florida man spots 'firefighter running toward angel' in clouds on September 11

Photo credit: Matt Snow
OAKLEAF, Fla. - A photo taken on the 18th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks appears to show clouds shaped like a firefighter running toward an angel.
Matt Snow snapped the photo on his drive to work on Wednesday.
"It might be because today is 9/11, but this is the cloud formation I saw driving into work today. Doesn't it look like a firefighter running with a hose and an angel with the sun perfectly behind it?" Snow wrote on Facebook.
Snow is a teacher in Oakleaf near Jacksonville and told Fox 35 that he had to do a double-take.
"I couldn't believe what I just saw. My wife and I are both teachers and we drive that road every morning with our kids. Out of all days, today it looked like that."