City of Sarasota's mask mandate begins Wednesday
Doctor debunks mask myths
At first, the public was told not to wear a mask and to save them for the first responders and health care professionals. Now, the public is encouraged to wear them, especially if they can't social distance -- and with that, there has been push back and misinformation online. Dr. Joette Giovinco goes over some of the more prevalent myths about masks -- and whether or not they are true.
SARASOTA, Fla. - Starting July 1, the city of Sarasota's face mask order goes into effect.
Anyone over the age of 18 will be required to wear face coverings in any indoor establishment within the city's limits and outdoors when it's not possible to properly social distance.
The ordinance will be active for two months, but could be extended or modified. Sarasota city commissioners voted to approve the face-coverings mandate on Monday. It passed 4 to 1.
Exceptions include:
Children under the age of 18
Schools, daycares and non-city government agencies
People for whom a face covering would cause impairment due to an existing health condition
Those working in a business or profession who do not interact with others, who maintain physical or social distancing from others or where a face covering would prevent them from performing their duties
Those who are outdoors or exercising while maintaining physical distancing
Those who are eating or drinking
PREVIOUS: City of Sarasota makes masks mandatory for most indoor and outdoor public settings
Violations of the mask requirement could result in a civil, non-criminal infraction with penalties up to a $500 fine. An email and phone line for concerns, questions and more information will be available soon, the city said.
Sarasota is the 8th city or county in the Tampa Bay area to require face masks, joining Hillsborough County, the city of Tampa, Pinellas County, the city of St. Petersburg and Pasco County.
Manatee County chose not to vote on a mask ordinance, but two cities within the county are requiring them: Anna Maria Island and Holmes Beach.