Jennifer Race settles on lawyer; trial date set

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Defendant Jennifer Race has settled on a lawyer - her fourth - to represent her for hit-and-run charges dating back to October 2015.

She also now has a trial date.

Victims of that hit-and-run incident hope the fourth time is the charm. Race appears to be sticking with this attorney after firing the last three.

To say it has been frustrating for David Lockhart is an understatement.

"The judge had said he would not let her fire another attorney so I hope he sticks to that," said Lockhart.

His father, Lawrence Lockhart was killed in the hit-and-run crash in which Race is accused.

Police say gas station surveillance video shows Race hitching a ride from the scene.

Since then, she has hired and fired attorneys and pulled the plug on a plea deal at the last minute.

Hillsborough County Judge Tom Barber has not been happy with the process.

"You don't have the right to manipulate the legal system and play games with this," said Barber. 

He also wasn't happy about Race's tardiness to several court appearances, so he had her arrested.

But now that a trial date has been set, there is hope for the Lockhart family that the games and shenanigans may be over.

Trial date set for February 26, 2018.