Law enforcement: Spotting drunk drivers isn't hard
TAMPA (FOX 13) - Law enforcement said officers will be out throughout the Bay Area searching for drivers who maybe under the influence.
They said it is simple: Use some common sense. If someone has too much to drink, don't even think about touching your car keys.
Debbie Hodges and Robbie Bennington took a road trip to celebrate the holidays. They talked to FOX 13 News about their New Year's Eve plans.
"We have been to Key West, St.Petersburg and Miami," said Debbie Hodges.
For New Year's Eve they will be in Ybor City, ringing in the new year with the crowds. They said they have one goal on their minds.
"We want to stay safe because we have to get back on the highway. Maybe one drink and that is it," said Robbie Bennington.
It is a simple philosophy they hope others will follow.
"We like each other, but I have a job I need to get back to so I know better to drink and drive," said Bennington.
Law enforcement hope most are thinking this way while they ring in 2016.
"If you are going to drink utilize the resources available to you. Use a cab, whether it be UBER call a friend. Call a family member, call a friend call someone who hasn't been drinking," said Sgt. Jason Napoli.
Drivers are used to going through DUI check points, but this year Hillsborough deputies will work with Tampa Police and the Florida Highway Patrol to saturate the streets instead.
Sergeant Jason Napoli will be there too.
"Our job and our goal for the evening is to find these vehicles and get them off the roadway before they hurt themselves or someone else," he said.
Napoli said it isn't too hard to spot someone under the influence.
"They speed up , they drive too slow, they stop short, they stop long. They take wide turns. They swerve and weave in their lanes," said Sgt.Napoli.
Law enforcement officials hope everyone will be as smart as Debbie and Robbie.
"Don't do it. You can have a good time without all that alcohol," said Bennington.