Manatee County Disaster Center opens in Bradenton for residents impacted by Debby

Residents in either Manatee or Sarasota Counties who had damage from Tropical Storm Debby can now visit a "one-stop shop."

FEMA opened a Disaster Recovery Center at the Lakewood Ranch Library in Bradenton to provide one-on-one help to Floridians affected by the storm. The center is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day.

READ: Wastewater spills from Debby's flooding causing water quality concerns

According to officials, the center is accessible to people with disabilities or access and functional needs and is equipped with assistive technology.

Visitors can meet with representatives of FEMA, the State of Florida and the U.S. Small Business Administration. No appointment is needed.

The Lakewood Ranch Library is located at 16410 Rangeland Pkwy Bradenton, FL 34211.

To apply for FEMA assistance, visit, use the FEMA App, or call 800-621-3362.


Manatee CountyHurricane Debby