Mysterious disease spreading among Virginia dogs

A mysterious disease is spreading among dogs in Virginia.

Veterinarians said they have no name for it, but it’s similar to the whooping cough, but in dogs. A vet in Charlottesville said they have seen 22 dogs with the disease since Thursday. Other vet practices said they have seen more than 40 dogs with the cough in the last month. 

Veterinarians are urging dog owners to avoid socializing your dog at this time this until the spread of the disease dies down.

“With a lot of boarding facilities and people traveling, I think it’s coming from dog parks, groomers, boarding, kennels,” Emily Gordon with the Autumn Trails Veterinary Center explained to WCAV.

Gordon said she urges to bring their dogs to the vet right away if they have any of the symptoms, and warns the illness can take up to three weeks to run its course.