WATCH: Good Samaritans rescue babies from overturned car in rushing water
MYRTLE SPRINGS, Texas - Two babies were pulled out from an overturned vehicle that was trapped in a torrent of flood water in Myrtle Springs, Texas by Good Samaritan, who rushed in to revive them both.
Phillip Ocheltree was leaving his home with his two children to escape the flooding Sunday when the car hydroplaned, he said, and then flipped into a ditch upside down.
Passers-by leaped into the rushing water in the middle of the storms with lightning crashing all around them to get the children out of the car, using tools and their bare hands to pry open the doors to get inside.
"We got a baby, call 911!" one of the Good Samaritans yells.
The heart-stopping moments were caught on video by Tom Mitchell, who told Dallas station WFAA he put the phone in his pocket to help revive the children as a woman on the scene came over to pray.
"In the name of Jesus, let him breathe, Lord. Let him breathe, Lord!" she is heard repeating over an over. "We got one!" someone is heard on video yelling. The rescuers turn their attention to the other child, and begin to pray until she starts to breathe and everyone begins clapping.
Ocheltree posted on Facebook that his two-year-old "Addy bug" is in the hospital now and stable, while his baby son, Marshal, was in "excellent condition and is full of life."
"I can't thank you all enough who came into the water and saved my children...thank you all so much," he said.