100 realtors build 100 beds for kids who need them

A group of Bay Area real estate agents are doing more than making deals. They're providing a way for children to get a good night sleep.

The agents from Keller Williams Realty have converted a parking into what looks like a construction site.  

More than 100 agents are building more than 100 beds for Sleep In Heavenly Peace, which provides free beds for children whose families can't afford them.

"Everybody working so hard and everyone really cares about what they are doing as far as giving back and getting together with the other agents," said Gwen Campbell, Keller Williams associate. "It's really inspiring to watch."

They're sawing, they're sanding and they're drilling. 

Every year, they come together to give back during what they call ‘Red Day.’

"Not a whole lot I can do in the world and effect it," said Matt Fishel Keller Williams associate." But I can do a lot for my friends, family and community. That's really the only place I can make a difference." 

"To be able to give back to our community in their home," Keller Williams associate Becky Reitmeyer said. "For kids who are on the floor means everything. So anything we can do to help these kids feel like they have self-worth and just something that's theirs and means the world to us." 

They started the Red Day program 13 years ago. And for the past 13 years, they have been making a hugh impact for children in the Pinellas County community. 

"Now, kids, they get beds almost as soon as they request them within that same two, 2 to 4 week period. It's just amazing. We went from a waiting list of hundreds of kids to basically catching up every month," Jim Baker, chapter president of Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Pinellas County said. 

Co-workers coming together to impact their community by providing comfort and a good night sleep for children is what's right with Tampa Bay.

What's Right with Tampa BayPinellas County