9-foot alligator climbs staircase to family's front porch

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A family in South Carolina heard noises coming form their home's porch and immediately thought someone was trying to break in.

But someone was actually something - a giant alligator that had climbed onto the porch and seemed confused about what to do next.

Steve Polston said he and his family were shocked to discover the 9-foot intruder, which had climbed a flight of stairs to get onto the porch of their Mount Pleasant, S.C. home. 

A contractor with the Department of Natural Resources was called to help point the alligator back to the wild from which he came. The contractor first took video of the gator on the porch and told the homeowner that this behavior was unusual. 

The home is in an area near Charleston, S.C., where it is not uncommon to find alligators, but one of this size is always a shock, especially on the front porch of a home.

With warmer weathers and mating season just around the corner, alligators are likely coming out to defend their territories and find food for the summer ahead.