City of Tampa Solid Waste truck knocks pedestrian to the ground, according to police

A City of Tampa truck hit a pedestrian who was wearing all black.

A City of Tampa Solid Waste truck hit a pedestrian in Tampa before sunrise on Monday morning, according to police.

Just before 6:30 a.m., police say the truck was making a right turn to go south on River Hills Dr from Comanche Ave.

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A Hispanic male in his late 60s dressed in all black clothing was walking in the road when he was knocked to the ground by the truck, according to officials.

The driver was not cited, according to authorities.

The driver was not cited, according to authorities. 

Police say the pedestrian was taken to a nearby hospital. Officials say the man had non-life-threatening injuries, including a cut to his head and abrasions to his arm.

Authorities say the driver of the truck was not cited. City of Tampa Risk Management personnel also responded to the scene to conduct an internal review, according to police.
