Lakeland ranked the worst place to live if you have asthma, new report says
LAKELAND, Fla. - A new report indicates that Lakeland is one of the worst places to live in the entire country if you have asthma.
Flowers are blooming and trees are greener than ever in Lakeland. While they're pretty to look at, pollen is one of the triggers for asthma, and it's all over this time of year.
Pollen is just the beginning. There's also mold and ragweed, and with kids back in school, that means so are cold symptoms.
"It is [the] start of cold and flu season, and viral infections tend to be one of the main triggers for asthma symptoms," Dr. Kathryn Convers with Lakeland Asthma, Allergy and Immunology said.
A new report by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America ranks Lakeland as the worst place to live in the South if you have asthma.

The group looked at factors like the number of people in a particular area that have asthma in comparison to the population and the number of ER visits and deaths because of asthma.
Unfortunately, Lakeland score high.
"We really don't want it to be a grim outlook if you managed to be at the top of the list," Hannah Jaffee with the Asthma and Allergy Foundation said.
It is meant to serve as a heads up. If you think you may have asthma, health officials urge you to see a doctor.