Military wife finds sweet way to include husband in Christmas card

Source: @ashley_sistrunk/ Instagram
A military wife in Colorado included her deployed husband in their family Christmas card photo that's now going viral.
Ashley Sistrunk's husband Brandon is deployed in Iraq and will not make it home for the holidays this year.
The mom of four told a local news station, "Having a piece of your heart across the world, fighting for your country. It's just a whole other level of emotions."
She decided to make sure her family was together at least, for their Christmas card.
She used Photoshop to mesh a photo taken at home in Colorado Springs with their four children with a photo of her husband in Iraq.
Ashley posted the photo to Instagram writing, "I hate wanting to wish away a holiday. Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, but with Brandon gone and the kids begging to have him home on Christmas, it just won't be the same. I know we are supposed to "live for today!", but I wish I could wake up tomorrow and have it be late January! It makes me sad for couples who aren't truly the best of friends. Brandon is my best friend in the whole world and my heart needs him home! Can someone call Ellen and tell her to bring him home for me?!"
She posted another photo to Facebook writing, "This one is more 'us.'"
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