Seminole Heights couple turns brewers' waste into dog treats
TAMPA, Fla. - Craft Canine Treats is an all-natural dog treat company in Seminole Heights, and their unique recipe includes spent grain from local breweries.
Spent grain is a byproduct from the brewing process," explained co-owner Marc Betourney.
"There is still a lot of nutrients in that -- fiber, protein and things of that nature -- that we can still use," he said.
Marc and his wife, Meghan Betourney, then upcycle the grain with other natural ingredients to make a crunchy dog treat. Flavors include peanut butter, apple peanut butter, and banana.

"We also make seasonal treats, such as pumpkin," Meghan added.
Ten percent of any Craft Canine Treats purchase goes to local animal rescues and organizations here in Tampa Bay.
LINK: To find out where you can pick up a bag of Craft Canine Treats, go to their website: