Street through Sarasota High causing security concern

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Sarasota High sophomore Hayden Goodwin is demanding change.  What she and many other parents and administrators want is to completely secure School Avenue.

"It is simply illogical not to do this," she said.  

The public road splits Sarasota High's campus.  Currently it is closed to cars during school hours, but open to pedestrians and bikers.  That means the campus is never truly sealed off from the public. 

"It is always been a cause for concern, but recently with all the mass shooting and current events, it became more prominent and, hey, we need to talk about this," Goodwin said. 

A meeting was held inside the school's auditorium Monday. Next week, the city commission could vote to close the road off to pedestrians and biker as well as cars and extend the hours until 10 p.m.

Ultimately, the plan is to go even further. 

"Our ultimate goal and that's to see this stretch of School Avenue vacated, which means it would not be a public right of way," said district COO Scott Lempe. 

Mike Lasche is passionate in his opposition.  He represents the group Florida Walks and Bikes.  He does not think closing down the road makes students any safer. 

"Everybody admits closing School Avenue will not stop a bad guy with a gun," Lasche said.  "It's a city road. Just because someone came and built on both sides doesn't mean the city should give it away."