Bay Area non-profit helps thousands of women dress for success
TAMPA, Fla. - A Bay Area organization is helping women improve their image in hopes of landing the job of their dreams.
Janice Cleare just got a job and needs clothes to wear to her new gig.
"My job does require me to, you know, look professional," she said.
Funds are low for Cleare right now and that's why she is so thankful for Dress For Success Tampa Bay. It’s a nonprofit organization that provides professional attire for low-income women to help support their job search and interview process.
"I'm so excited and so grateful," Cleare shared. "Very expensive, everything is now, but especially clothing and shoes and this is quality you know."

Pat Ellington started the effort in Tampa after reading a magazine article about the program.
"If you can help them and put them in something, it's amazing how that can boost the morale and give them not only a better attitude, make them feel better about themselves, and they can go in and they can just, you know, do that interview perfectly. So that was important," she said.
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"The grassroots organization began 24 years ago and has clothed more than 30,000 women," said Katie McGill, executive director, Dress for Success Tampa Bay. "We empower women. We start off with the suit, but we also personal development, and self-esteem. We help them build up to in order to get employed and not only get employed but stay employed."

The women are given a complete interview outfit, including shoes, accessories, and a handbag, as well as a week's worth of additional clothing once she's secured employment.
"I am proud of the program. I'm proud of the ones that have helped me, you know, get it started had been on our boards have volunteered," said Pat. "But I'm proud of the ladies that we have helped. It's amazing. It's amazing."

The program is helping woman look god for that all important job interview. All the clothing is donated by the community.
LINK: Learn more and see how to help out at