CMA mourns loss of oldest dolphin

PJ, the eldest dolphin at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium has passed away. 

Staff at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium are grieving the loss of the facility’s eldest dolphin, PJ.

CMA estimates that PJ was about 51 years old and she took her last breaths while in the arms of her animal care and vet teams.

In a press release, CMA stated that "PJ lived a long and whole life- and we are so incredibly grateful to be able to provide her every comfort during her sunset years."

READ: Winter the dolphin dies, leaving legacy of perseverance and inspiration

Staff says that PJ’s easygoing personality made her a perfect match for Winter and Hope and added that she later acted like a motherly figure for the aquarium’s newest rescue - Apollo.

The release added, "PJ is now able to join Winter and serve as her bodyguard for eternity – as she would have it no other way."