College swimmer dies in Sarasota YMCA pool
SARASOTA (FOX 13) - Investigators are looking into the unexplained drowning of an expert college swimmer who was in Sarasota with his family over the holiday weekend.
Tate Ramsden, a 21 year-old honor student at Dartmouth University, died at the Selby Aquatic Center at the YMCA on Potter Park Avenue on Saturday. He was swimming in the outside pool when he suddenly started to struggle, and drowned.
Ramsden was on Dartmouth's swimming and diving teams and was the captain of his high school swim team in Nashville.
In a prepared statement sent to the Dartmouth community, the president of the Ivy League university, Phil Hanlon wrote, "We have been in touch with Tate's family to share our deepest sympathies with them at this time of heartbreaking loss."
Investigators said Ramsden had swam about 4,000 yards already before he began to practice his underwater swimming techniques. Investigators were told he may have been trying to attempt a '100,' which is four laps across the pool without surfacing for air, according to the report. At some point, his sister noticed he wasn't moving, and lifeguards rushed to his aid.
An autopsy will determine his cause of death.
Along with being an accomplished swimmer, Ramsden was an outstanding student. He was an All American, member of the Cum Laude Society, a Merit Scholar and hoped to pursue a career in finance.
He was scheduled to graduate next year.
He is survived by his mother, father, sister and a brother.
Funeral services are planned for this weekend in Ramsden's hometown of Nashville.