Couple uses business to help families in need
TAMPA (FOX 13) - Through their real estate business, Andrew and Angela Duncan help their clients find their dream homes. But they also want to help families who can't afford a home or provide for the holidays.
"I've had Christmases where we didn't have presents under the tree," Angela Duncan said.
"My parents worked very, very hard, but they sometimes struggled and they didn't have money for certain things,” Andrew Duncan offered.
For the past few years, the Duncans have been working with Metropolitan Ministries, volunteering and collecting gifts.
"It's just so amazing to be able to partner with them and help those kids who don't understand why Santa doesn't come to their house, get a present under the tree and a nice Christmas dinner too," said Angela.
They've turned giving back into both a company purpose and a family affair. Their daughter is just as involved as they area.
"There was one year when she said, “You know, I don't want any toys or anything for Christmas. Let's do a toy drive’" recalled Andrew.
The Duncans have collected more than $20,000 in gifts and donations over the years, but what they've received can't be measured in money.
"We just want to pay it forward, give back to the community because it's blessed us with so much," said Andrew.
"Even if you can just give one toy, it does make a huge difference in that child's life,” added Angela.
The Duncans even use their office as a drop-off location for gifts.
For information about Metropolitan Ministries, click on over to