Dog owners in the UK join a whippet on his final walk
PORTH BEACH, United Kingdom (APTN) - When Mark Woods and his wife made the difficult decision it was time to euthanize their beloved dog, an 18-year-old whippet named Walnut, they decided he should have a final day to breathe the ocean air with friends.
Woods put out a request on Facebook: Join him and his family on a #walkwithwalnut at Porth Beach in Newquay, on the United Kingdom’s southwestern coast.
In the post, Woods wrote, “Sadly I am having to have Walnut euthanised on Saturday 12th November and so we will be having a last walk together on his beloved Porth Beach at 9.30am. I would love it if dog lovers/owners and friends would join us for a celebration of Walnut on his favourite Porth Beach. He has had an incredible life and having reached the grand age of 18 is ready for his final sleep. Hope to see you on Saturday.”
Woods likely did not expect the show of support they received. Hundreds of dogs, with their humans in tow, showed up on the beach. The temperature was around 40° on the beach that morning, but with coats, gloves and boots, everyone seemed warm with love and support for Walnut and his family.
Walnut was old and having health issues. He took his last gasp of ocean air with grace and humility - joined by other owners and dogs in celebration of a life well spent.
Walnut the whippet, may he rest in peace.