Families with multiple children, 1 computer, get much-needed gift of technology

The need for technology in homes with children has never been greater.

Schools have gone completely online, but there is a big digital divide when it comes to access to internet-connected devices.

Hillsborough County Public Schools is teaming up with community partners to bridge that gap by donating computers to families who desperately need them.

Fifty families, all with multiple school-age children, are getting second computers to use at their homes.

Atia Johnson has four children and says it's been hard to keep up with everyone's needs with only one computer.

"Sometimes we won't get done until 10 o'clock at night because they have to take turns and rotate, using one device," she explained.

Students who attend online school through Potter, Edison, Foster, James, and Tampa Bay Boulevard Elementary schools are getting the brand new desktop computers.

Computer Mentors Group, a nonprofit organization that aims to bridge the digital divide, is providing the computers. They've teamed up with eSmart Recycling, Quicksilver Recycling, and Wells Fargo to make the donation a reality.

Families can request a computer through the Computer Mentors website at www.computermentors.org/COVID-19-computers.