Four Bay Area boys honor loved one by giving back to others

Three years ago, two brothers and their two cousins launched a grassroots organization to help the less fortunate and recently spent time making hundreds of care packages for the homeless. 

"It's just we're trying to show everyone that kids can make a difference in the world," said Dominic Fouché, co-founder of Kids 4 A Cause. 

Each month they pick out a charity to help.

"I'm proud of it because we know that we are making a big difference in other people's lives, so it really makes us proud that we can see that kids can make a difference," explained Sheldon Fouche, co-founder of Kids 4 A Cause. 

This month they are making Santa's shoeboxes. 

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"Toothbrushes, deodorant, toothpaste, socks, beanies, scarves, even some food in there too," said Michael Kuhn, co-founder of Kids 4 A Cause. 

They started the effort after their dad passed away from a heart attack. 

"My dad, unfortunately, passed away in 2019 and I came together with my cousins on a Christmas dinner and we decided to start an organization that would give people the same treatment we received during our hard time," said Michael Kuhn, co-founder of Kids 4 A Cause.

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The boys have raised $50,000 in three years in honor of their dad and uncle. 

"I think he probably would have been like, so proud of us and like, he's probably just amazed about all we've been doing for other people," shared Christian Kuhn, Kids 4 A Cause.  

The teens hope their effort impacts their peers. 

"One of our main points of making this organization is to show children that they can make a difference. It's not only adults that can help out in the community," added Dominic.

They will be delivering more than 100 shoe boxes to St. Vincent DePaul later this month.

LINK: Learn more about Kids 4 A Cause at

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