Judd: Suspect jumped on patrol car, took photos, posted them on Facebook
DUNDEE, Fla. - A dish washer at a restaurant where a Polk County deputy was eating lunch took time out for a photo op on top of a patrol car that landed him inside the cruiser, instead of on it, Sheriff Grady Judd said Wednesday.
Judd says the suspect, identified as Branden Temples, was working at the Dundee Diner where the deputy was having lunch. Temples climbed on top of the deputy's cruiser while making obscene gestures, Judd said, and posted a photo of it on Facebook with an expletive.
That, alone, was not a crime, Judd said, but the damage he did to the cruiser by jumping on it, scratching and denting the hood was a crime. After posting the photo on social media, deputies tracked down Temples and charged him with criminal mischief.
"He is sitting in the very same patrol car that he was standing on the other day. We thought was interesting," Judd said.
Photos of Temples before and after his arrest were posted to the Polk County Sheriff's Office Facebook page as an example of what not to do. "If you want to pose for a pic with one of our deputies and/or one of their patrol cars, all you have to do is ask," the post was captioned. "You don't have to commit a criminal mischief."
Temples was fired from the diner, Judd said. The person who took the photo is also under criminal investigation.