New York woman wears different gown each day while working from home during pandemic

One New York woman is workin’ it while she works from home during the coronavirus pandemic, tackling each day of remote employment in a different glamorous gown. (SWNS)
FOX NEWS - Who says that sweatpants and pajamas are the only good work from home uniforms?
One New York woman is workin’ it while she works from home during the coronavirus pandemic, tackling each day of remote employment in a different glamorous gown.
Though COVID-19 lockdowns took effect in mid-March, Lucy Rogers’ orders from Rent the Runway, an online fashion rental service, kept coming. Inspired, Rogers has dressed to impress and worn the stylish frocks to work from home each day ever since, news agency South West News Service (SWNS) reports.

Though COVID-19 lockdowns took effect in mid-March, Lucy Rogers’ orders from Rent the Runway, an online fashion rental service, kept coming. (SWNS)
The 32-year-old woman from the United Kingdom even started a hilarious Instagram account, SayYesToTheWFHDress, to amuse family and friends with her latest looks – though she never expected to gain so many followers, she said.
“I really wanted to wear all these gorgeous dresses I had rented, but I had nowhere to go,” Rogers, who works for digital marketing agency Croud, told the outlet. “I started the Instagram site as a bit of a joke, to keep myself entertained while we’re all stuck at home."

Rogers has dressed to impress and worn the stylish frocks to work from home each day during the outbreak. (SWNS)
“I thought my friends and family would find it funny and it just blew up from there really,” she explained. “I was going to cancel my subscription but then I thought this could be an opportunity to wear all these lovely things that I could never normally wear to the office.”
“Unfortunately I have to send them back afterwards.”

Dressed to the nines in floor-length evening gowns while working on the computer, making tea, playing chess and even sneaking in a workout, Rogers said she’s received an influx of positive messages since launching the playful Instagram page. (SWNS)
Dressed to the nines in floor-length evening gowns while working on the computer, making tea, playing chess and even sneaking in a workout, Rogers said she’s received an influx of positive messages since launching the playful page.

“It’s a bit of fun to make people smile while all this is going on,” Rogers said. (SWNS)
“I’ve even had messages from people working in the ER, saying they check-in daily to look at the dresses, I thought that was so nice,” Rogers said. “And people have started posting their own photos with the hashtag.”
“It’s a bit of fun to make people smile while all this is going on,” she mused.