Non-profit helps people turn their lives around
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - Pastor Bill Losasso's passion is to help the forgotten. He opened a place where the hurting could dream again and rebuild their lives.
Life has been a struggle for Melanie Veldhuizen.
"The life I was living before was horrible. I was homeless on the street for a little bit," she said.
But life is now drying out for Melanie.
"It's been really good. I have learned a lot. I've made new friends acquaintances and really grown since I've been in this program," she said.
All thanks to the Florida Dream Center in St. Pete. A non-profit that helps people get back on their feet.
CEO Steve Cleveland said, "We find the need. We fill the need. We find the hurt and we heal the hurt."

A place where the forgotten can be found.
"We started the Florida Dream Center to help hurting people of all types. Homeless, out of work, extreme poverty, trafficking survivors, prostitutes, gang members, witches," said Losasso.
The program started in 2012 after Pastor Bill went to Los Angeles and saw the Dream Center program there.
"Saw people whose lives have been actually changed," he said.
The services include feeding the hungry, helping sex trafficking survivors, helping the homeless, job skills training and placement, and Adopt-A-Block.
"An array of stuff to help people in our community outside our doors helping them, one person at a time," said Cleveland.
Melanie likes the way her life is framing up.
"I'm living a life beyond my wildest dreams right now. I have a family. my family in my life. I have a family of my own," she said. "I have a wonderful fiancé and we brought a house now."
The center is restoring dreams, renewing hope, and rebuilding lives for the Pinellas County community. The Florida Dream Center will be holding an event to help raise money for their programs. For more information visit: