Poll: Rubio rising in Florida GOP race

A poll conducted by OpinionSavvy/InsiderAdvantage for FOX 13 Tampa Bay shows Donald Trump statistically tied with Ben Carson for the lead in Florida, with Marco Rubio moving up quickly into third place.

The poll was conducted Nov 10  and 11 of 806 likely Florida primary voters by IVR phone and mobile devices. The survey was weighted for age, race, and gender. It has a margin of error of four percent.

Asked if the election were held today for whom they would vote, the results were:
Trump: 23%
Carson: 22%
Rubio: 18%
Cruz: 12%
Bush: 11%
Fiorina: 5%
Christie 3%
Kasich: 3%
Huckabee: 1%
Paul: 1%
Graham: 0%
Jindal: 0%
Pataki: 0%
Santorum: 0%
Undecided: 1%

"When we asked a subset of respondents who also watched the debate on Tuesday night, we see why Rubio as zoomed up in this poll," InsiderAdvantage's Matt Towery explained.  "Of the 594 respondents who watched the debate, 34 percent said Rubio won the debate, with 17 percent saying Trump won it and 17 percent saying Cruz was the winner. The only other candidate to receive a double-digit score was Carson with 10 percent."

"On the other hand," he continued, "it was clear who respondents felt performed the worst: 33 percent sad Kasich had the worst night, followed by Bush, who had 22 percent state he had the worst performance."