Seaside Seabird Sanctuary rescues, treats wild birds to be released back into the wild
INDIAN SHORES, Fla. - The Seaside Seabird Sanctuary is a rehab center to rescue, treat, and rehabilitate sick and injured wild birds with the goal of releasing them back into their native habitat into the wild.

Every four to six weeks, depending on how many birds they have, the Seaside Seabird Sanctuary has a special event where they release the rehab birds back into the wild.
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"This is my favorite day, we work so hard day in and day out helping these birds and to see them be released into the wild is super hardworking for me, it's really special, and it makes me cry every time," Christina Chilbert with Seaside Seabird Sanctuary said.

The birds they released on this day range from pelicans, cormorants, Terns and Gulls. All the birds have been at the sanctuary for a variety of different types of injuries but most common of the injuries, they said, is from fishing line.