Serial bank robbery suspect under arrest

Pasco County deputies arrested an accused serial bank robber Tuesday, following a week-long search.

Sheriff Chris Nocco said someone at a bar in New Port Richey recognized Christopher Drago as the bank robbery suspect and called 911.

Deputies said they tracked Drago down driving a stolen car and he surrendered.

"We were thankful it's a peaceful surrender," Nocco said. "One of the things that we had heard out there from people that are close to him is that he may end up with a suicide-by-cop, where we were going to have to shoot him. If he was basically dealt a situation where we were going to have to arrest him, he wasn't going to be arrested this time."

Drago is the suspect in three west Pasco bank robberies during a six-day period, including a Wells Fargo, BB&T and, a day before his arrest, a GTE Financial Credit Union. Investigators said each time, the suspect would imply he had a weapon and hand a clerk a note demanding money.

Drago is also accused of calling in a bomb threat to a Hudson Walmart store to try to lure a deputy away from the GTE Financial.

Nocco said the suspect may have been gambling away his money and that may have been a motive.

Drago has previously spent time behind bars for crimes including drugs, trafficking, theft and forgery.