Sheriff calling for 2,000 volunteers to join search for Jayme Closs Tuesday

BARRON, Wis. (KMSP) - The Barron County Sheriff’s Office is calling for 2,000 volunteers to take part in a search Tuesday morning in the investigation into the disappearance of 13-year-old Jayme Closs.
Jayme has been missing since the early morning hours of Oct. 15, when her parents were shot and killed at the family’s home in Barron, Wisconsin.
Volunteers are asked to meet at The Hungry Hollow Grounds at the intersection of Highway 25 and 19th Avenue in Barron by 9 a.m. They must be 18 years of age or older and present a picture form of identification. All volunteers must be registered at the staging area by 9 a.m. in order to participate in the search.
Last Thursday, the sheriff's office organized a volunteer search of a 14-mile stretch of Highway 8 from Barron to Turtle Lake looking anything of evidentiary value.
The sheriff’s office is continuing to ask anyone with information related to the case to call the tip line at 1-855-744-3879 or email with any photos or videos of possible sightings.
There have been no credible sightings of Jayme so far, despite the more than 1,200 tips that have come in. The sheriff’s office said it has thoroughly investigating at least 1,000 of those tips so far.
Here's a look at some key numbers from the case:
12:30 a.m. – Next door neighbors report hearing two high powered gun shots at the Closs family home at approximately 12:30. They do not call 911, believing that it might be a nearby property owner concerned about wildlife in their rural county.
12:53 a.m. – Barron Co Sheriff’s office logs show dispatch received a 911 call from inside the Closs family home. We know the call comes from Denise Closs’ cell phone, Jayme’s mom. Authorities have said no one on the line speaks directly to dispatch, but dispatchers hear “a lot of yelling.” The audio helps investigators determine that yes, Jayme is in the house at the time of her parent’s slayings.
3 – The log shows three minutes after receiving the 911 call, Dispatchers try calling the phone number back and they are unable to leave a Voicemail. The landline at the residence “has been disconnected.” Pinging the phone shows it is located at the Closs home at 1268 13 ½ Avenue, Barron, WI. Also known as Highway 8.
1:03 a.m. – The 1st Barron County sheriff deputy is dispatched to the scene. They are advised that this is “a possible suicide attempt.” Barron city police & EMS are also sent to the house.
1:05 a.m. – Law enforcement arrives at the Closs family home. They report the door has been kicked in. And James Closs, Jayme’s Dad is down & unresponsive in the doorway. At 1:11 am, they appear to find Denise as the call log shows law enforcement now has “2 down, unresponsive.” It’s not until 3:57 am that Dispatch receives a report Jayme is missing. An Amber Alert is issued some 12 hours later.
5 – That Amber Alert lists Jayme as 5 feet tall, weighing 100 pounds with green eyes & blond or strawberry hair
13 – Jayme is just 13 years old. She is a local middle school student in Barron who loves sports and dance. She’s been described by those who know her as a quiet, sweet and innocent young kid. She is the only child of James & Denise Closs.
1,200 – The number of tips received by law enforcement a week after Jayme Closs disappeared. The Barron Co. Sheriff reports as of Sunday evening, October 21st, investigators have thoroughly vetted at least 1,000 of those tips.
200 – Number of law enforcement personnel working the search that has been described as a 24-7 operation with enough manpower to immediately send out an investigator on any tip called in. The FBI, state and local authorities are working collectively. Jayme is now at the top of the FBI Missing & kidnapped persons list. Her photograph is plastered on digital billboards coast to coast.
3 – Number of miles from the Closs family home on Highway 8 to the Barron County Justice Center where the search for Jayme is headquartered. The Closs house sits on heavily wooded property just outside the Barron city limits
2,000 – Authorities are asking for 2,000 volunteers to come out and help with a search for evidence on Tuesday, October 23rd. They are staging on Highway 25. A search last week that included 100 volunteers and law enforcement along the roadside ditches of Highway 8 between the Closs family home & nearby Turtle Lake turned up nothing.
3,300 – Population of Barron. The City Hall sign the entire week has read “Bring Jayme Home.” Green bracelets are also starting to show up all over town that read #FindJaymeCloss. They are $5 each with the proceeds going to the Closs family.