Tampa Carolers deliver holiday joy to the comfort of your home computer

It's beginning to look a lot like a different Christmas. Santa visits and some of those friends and family gatherings are going online.

Now for the first time, the Tampa Carolers are adding virtual performances.

"It's still going to bring Christmas spirit and I think that's very important right now because it's such a strange time and it's continuing to be such a strange time," said Sherry Fagan Martin of the Tampa Carolers.

The group traditionally performs in person at holiday parties and gatherings and they will continue to do that in a safe way, but they knew this year they needed to offer an alternative.

"It's good to be adaptable and kind of go with the times and if we're going to be able to reach out to people, then this will be the way we'll do it," said caroler Paula Spangler Klein.

Their gift of song could travel anywhere.

"We could be in Germany, we could be in Mexico, wherever  and the thing is, with Zoom, we could still engage with the people at the party , the kids and having them sing 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer' with us and different things like that," said Martin.

And there's another merry and bright side.

"We may find that this is something that will go on even after COVID. It may be a new genre, a new avenue that people will be like 'oh, we can do that,'" said Klein.

Because while the tides of life may change, the tidings of comfort and joy do not.

"If we ever needed Christmas spirit, it's this year and I'm hoping people will go ahead and take advantage of it and still have their get togethers virtually if need be and let us help them celebrate", said Fagan.

For more information about the Tampa Carolers, go to tampacarolers.com.

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