Tampa organization helps the visually impaired succeed
TAMPA (FOX 13) - The Tampa Lighthouse for the Blind is celebrating its 75th birthday helping the blind and visually impaired succeed in life. is "What's Right With Tampa Bay."
Cameron Dawson is only 18, but he doesn't let extremely bad vision stop him from living.
He learned how to cook at Tampa Lighthouse for the Blind, a private non-profit helping the blind and visualLY impaired become independent.
"Really, it's been life changing, to be honest with you," Cameron said.
Lighthouse started in 1940 and has helped thousands of adults and teens.
"Had a lot of people tell me that I can't do this, I can't do that. This place, in a way, showed me that I can do things," Cameron said.
Cameron is part of the Transition Program for teens. They meet every Monday and learn bookkeeping, job training, time management and other skills, to be productive adults.
"We're trying to prepare students to get ready for life after high school. Whether they are going to go into work setting, go off to college, vocational school or trade school," Sue Glaser, with Tampa Lighthouse for the Blind, said.
Lighthouse has even created its own business called Braille with Vision. Kids work together to make magnets with braille and written words.
"They have different quotes. Some are inspirational quotes, some just say, 'I love you,' [or], 'Happy birthday,'" Sue said.
Cameron believes what he has learned there has changed his life forever.
"All those great skills I learn through here," Cameron said. "It's been great, its been great."
Cameron's dream is to become a sports broadcaster. For more information about Tampa Lighthouse for the Blind, visit www.tampalighthouse.com.