Tampa nurse began caring for NICU babies after facing complications during her own pregnancy

It takes compassion to be a nurse, and it certainly helps when you know what your patient is going through.

So, after Sarah Dunning had her own scare in the hospital, she changed her specialty.

Taking care of NICU babies has a special meaning for Nurse Dunning. She faced complications during her own pregnancy.

"So my placenta came off and came out with him," said Dunning. "So, unfortunately, like the blood supply was depleted at that point. So he needed to be born."

Dunning's son spent over three months in the hospital.

Her son was born at just 25 weeks, weighing 1 pound, 9 ounces. He spent more than three months at Muma Children's Hospital at TGH NICU unit.

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"It's very scary. And it feels like you're giving up all of your control as a mother," said Dunning. "And that's the worst part, because all you want to do is be able to, you know, protect and care for your own child. And you lose that in an instant."

Dunning changed her specialty after her pregnancy.

At the time, Dunning was an oncology nurse. But her desire to help and support families going through challenges like she faced led her to become a NICU nurse.

"Understanding the whole process and how emotionally involved it can get, it just seemed like I really wanted to be able to help people that are in the same situation I was in," she explained.

Her journey is transforming both her life and the lives of the families she serves.

Dunning was an oncology nurse before becoming a NICU nurse.

"I just feel like you get a sense of like pride, but also to be able to help somebody," said Dunning. "I mean, that in itself is just so rewarding. You get to really do some good, be helpful to someone and do it on a level that in their most vulnerable time."

It's a tough job, but one that Dunning said is so worth it.

"It's been good. It's challenging. It's very challenging. It's hard at times, but it's very rewarding," Dunning shared.

Dunning's son is doing great and hitting all his milestones.