Teen donates wheelchairs to Metropolitan Ministries through charity

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Sixteen-year-old Harsh Bagdy and his father made a donation almost as important to the Metropolitan Ministries Holiday Tent in Tampa as food and toys, wheelchairs. 

"We donate it to individuals whose insurance doesn't cover it, whose insurance plan doesn't pay for these kinds of equipment", said Bagdy.

"These wheelchairs will be able to be provided to those that are facing challenges and we can give them a dignified way to let them shop for the food, get them off their feet, keep them safe and get them along their way", said Metropolitan Ministries President and CEO, Tim Marks.

Metropolitan Ministries is special to Bagdy. 

"I started volunteering with Metro back in middle school back in 7th grade. My dad and I actually got a donation for 72 lockers when they informed me they were going to be starting an elementary school", said Bagdy.

Then he was touched to help in another way. 

"My mother is a physical therapist and she would come home and tell me how people were being discharged from the hospital without the equipment that they need", said Bagdy.

He founded Charity Health Resources. He works with a community partner to get wheelchairs and other medical equipment to those who need it. Like Jordan, a quadriplegic Hurricane Maria evacuee from Puerto Rico. Or Sabian, a 9-year-old boy with spina bifida.

"He was quickly outgrowing the one he currently had so he was in desperate need for a wheelchair because he was falling out of his wheelchair when his mother wasn't there to hold him back", said Bagdy.

He is putting the wheels into motion in hopes of giving those struggling one less thing to worry about. 

"This is really helpful for their families especially during the holiday season which is a time of giving we should all be giving back to the community in any way we can", said Bagdy. 

Fox 13 is hosting a food and toy drive for Metropolitan Ministries at Armature Works on Friday, December 14th from 7am-7pm. In addition, Armature Works will be hosting a fun,  family-friendly event, the Heights Holiday Festival from 11am-5pm. The drive and festival continue at Armature Works on Saturday, December 15th from 10am-5pm.
Armature Works is located at 1910 N Ola Ave, Tampa, FL 33602. 

Donations are also accepted through December 24th at the Metropolitan Ministries Holiday Tent in Tampa and the Holiday Center in Pasco County. You can also donate online. For more information go to metromin.org.

For more information on Charity Health Resources, click over to their website.