Tips to simplify your Thanksgiving travel

As we enter the Thanksgiving travel rush, tens of millions of people have been warned to expect long lines this year.

Consider downloading the app Flight Aware to track your plane for potential delays, and sign up for push notifications from your airline.

The ‘Points Guy’ travel expert David Slotnick says now more than ever is the time for travelers to be "in the know."

"Always be your best advocate, you know, be your own advocate," he said.

If you’re traveling with children, always double check your reservations. The Point’s Guy blog says airlines can not only change your schedule, but also the plane type, which could scatter your family’s seat assignments.

"Make sure that you’re going on the app and you’re checking your airline reservation and see what’s going on."

RELATED: TSA preparing for Thanksgiving travel to hit pre-pandemic levels

It’s too late to sign up and receive TSA PreCheck for this week, but you could have it before Christmas. TSA says most applicants receive their known traveler number within three days of applying and paying the $85 annual fee.

"Even if you fly once a year, it’s worth it. It makes it so much easier to go and leave your shoes on," Slotnick said.

And TSA PreCheck or not, you may be able to bring your Thanksgiving leftovers home with you.

If you don’t know what foods you’re allowed to carry through security, this is a way to remember it: if you can spill it, spray it or spread it, you need to check it.

"Really it comes down to how the rules are enforced, what the people know at the time, and how things are that particular day," he said.

RELATED: Thanksgiving 2021: TSA dishes on which foods can be checked, carried through security

And as for issues with specific airlines, given widespread cancellations in recent month, he says there isn’t one particular airline he’s worried about.

"It’s really an industry-wide thing," he said. "They’re a little bit short-staffed, it’s just like everything else, the labor market is really tight, and they’re all getting caught up with all of the demand that really came back sooner than they expected."

The good news, he says is airlines are over-preparing, as this will be the test for the upcoming Christmas travel season.

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