Two years later, family's appreciation for March of Dimes remains

For Lex and Patrick Murphy, pregnancy with their twin boys wasn't an easy one.

"The twins had something called monoamniotic-monochorionic," Lex said.  

It happens in about 600 pregnancies a year in the U.S.  

"It's really dangerous because that means they're one placenta and one sac are together," Lex continued. "So, it's sweet because they can cuddle, but they can also have cord strangulation and they can squeeze each other."  

Lex went to stay at Tampa General Hospital so that doctors could monitor the health of her babies.  

"It was not easy to sit in a hospital for 50 days," she offered. "Luckily I am from Tampa and I had a lot of family and friends visit me. This was pre-pandemic."

Two months later, Lex had a C-section and birthed two healthy boys. Max weighed 3 pounds, 13 ounces and Miles was 3 pounds, 15 ounces.

"It was a whole scary process," Patrick said. "Mom had to be in the hospital basically 50 days or more. Once they came out healthy and big, we were very happy."  

The boys are now healthy, active 2-year-olds and the family wants to thank the March of Dimes.  

"It's very personal for us. It's an organization that we really like giving our time and money too," said Patrick.  

"Every cent goes to healthy moms and healthy babies in the NICU and we would really appreciate it," Lex added.

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