UCF football player charged with sexual battery

ORLANDO, Fla. (FOX 35 WOFL) - A University of Central Florida (UCF) football player is being charged with sexual battery after University police say he had sex with an unconscious victim after a party.
The UCF Police Department says that the football player, identified as Demetreius Mayes Jr., and the victim consumed several alcoholic beverages together on September 15th. They continued to do so at a party off-campus. The victim and the victim's roommate left the party and went to UCF's Tower 4. They accepted a ride there from several males.
The victim told police that the next thing the victim remembers is being taken to a room upstairs. The victim does not recall what happened when they entered the room, but does remember being awakened by someone banging on the door. The victim was completely naked. The victim put on clothes and exited the room.
According to the arrest affidavit, Demetreius Mayes Jr. told police that he took the victim to his room with the intent of engaging in sex and that the victim consented to it. He also told police the victim told him "I can't do this" and he stopped engaging in sex. He allowed the victim to get dressed and leave.
Police say that several of the defendant's teammates were present at the time of the incident. The arrest affidavit states that they believed the victim was intoxicated and attempted to stop Demetreius Mayes Jr. from engaging in sex. They knocked on his door for several minutes until the victim exited. They then escorted the victim to the lobby. They say the victim was visibly upset and crying.
UCF Police says that the victim was unable to communicate an unwillingness to engage in sex. Therefore, probable cause exists to charge Demetreius Mayes Jr. with Sexual Battery to a Physically Helpless Person.
Demetreius Mayes Jr. saw a judge on Monday and was granted a $10,000 bond. He was ordered to have no contact with the victim and he is prohibited from having or using alcohol or drugs.
Demetreius Mayes Jr. is a freshman linebacker for UCF. The University's football coach Josh Heupel said in a statement that Mayes is suspended indefinitely from football activities. See more of what he said below.
UCF Police Chief Carl Metzger spoke on the incident, saying that "The UCF Police Department is committed to a thorough, professional investigation of all criminal incidents reported to us, and we’re dedicated to a culture of care that starts by believing the brave survivors who seek our assistance. This survivor’s well-being will continue to be a priority for our department and our university."
Metzger also went on to say that he is "proud of the officers and detectives who dedicated themselves to this case. I also appreciate the actions of the bystanders to this incident who stepped up to help someone in need; they set an example of compassion and consideration that we all should strive for.”