Bad weather doesn't stop Wreaths Across America Day tradition at Bay Pines National Cemetery

As families across the country honor our fallen heroes on National Wreaths Across America Day, the Bay Area's bad weather forced volunteers to cancel an official ceremony at Bay Pines National Cemetery.

But, that didn't stop hundreds of volunteers from still coming out to take part in a meaningful tradition.

"To see this many people risk their time in this weather to come out and lay wreaths is just amazing," said volunteer and organizer Katrina Ray. "There are two million wreaths that Wreaths Across America volunteers will put on veteran's graves all across the country."

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6,000 of them were just for those laid to rest at Bay Pines. Driven in by three massive trucks, groups quickly unloaded them and carefully placed one on each individual tombstone.

The tradition provides a wonderful opportunity for communities to gather during the busiest time of year in order to pause and say thank you to all who have served and sacrificed for our freedom.

RELATED: Wreaths Across America Day: How to help honor fallen soldiers this holiday season

"We want to let these families know that they have not been forgotten, that their veterans have not been forgotten," Ray stressed. "They made a huge sacrifice - whether they passed during a war, were killed in combat or whether they died later on, the fact that they can be here in a national cemetery where people can come and honor them, that's just incredible to me."

Wreaths Across America is successful year after year thanks to the help of millions of volunteers and sponsors. Every sponsorship received not only honors an American hero with the placement of a fresh balsam Veteran’s wreath in December, but it also supports the year-round programs.

To learn more, click here.

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