WWE star Titus Oneil's foundation hosts annual Joy of Giving Celebration
TAMPA, Fla. - Loqueda Marcelle and her daughter Maya cried happy tears and held each other tight as they realized they were one of three families selected to receive a brand-new car at the Bullard Family Foundation's annual Joy of Giving Celebration.
"I could do nothing but cry, I was just ecstatic and overwhelmed," Marcell said.
It was a gift of hope for the mother-daughter duo, who moved to Tampa from Ft. Meyers and have been trying to make ends meet with no form of transportation.

"I take the bus to and from work sometimes, and I don't get everything I need to get done in a day because we've just had no car," she added.
It was one of the many reasons to smile as the football field of Slight Middle Magne school transformed into Thaddeus Bullard's (aka WWE star Titus Oneil's) winter wonderland. Families were showered with love, presents and a sense of community, giving them a memorable Christmas even during their darkest days.

"Everything is just beautiful," said 21-year-old Jacqueline Capers' grandmother. "They let the kids pick out everything they want, the kids are very very happy, they love everything that they're going through and all the people out here, very nice, everyone in blue and red...God bless every one of them."
Thanks to WWE Ambassador Thadeus Bullard and all of his foundation's generous partners and sponsors, like Metro Ministries and Fran Haasch Law Group, kids left with new toys and bikes while some families left with a box of food for their holiday dinners.
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It’s the difference he hopes to now make in other people’s lives, as he's seen how simple acts of kindness can go a long way.
"For some of these families, times are hard, this may be the only bit of joy they get a chance to receive," Bullard said. "I love people, a lot of people from all walks of life helped me get to where I am today - so I love serving all people."
Bullard said his foundation has helped more than 40,000 families since before Thanksgiving until now.