Behind the scenes at Scream-A-Geddon
DADE CITY (FOX 13) - Scream-A-Geddon, Florida's newest horror park, opens this weekend ahead of the haunting month of October.
Voted 'Best New Haunt 2015', Scream-A-Geddon offers six scary attractions:
-A Cursed Hayride: A ride through a town where residents have been cursed with immortality, and the only way they can die is by trading their soul with yours!
-A walk through the Dead Woods: A place where you wouldn't want to be stranded, for fear of running into the notorious family who lives nearby.
-The Pandemic: A clinical research lab dealing with the aftermath of a genetic experiment gone wrong! Visitors have the option of making this an interactive attraction, meaning they could be grabbed, held back...or worse.
-Infected: Visitors attempt to weave their way through fields, military tents and a farmhouse in a town where residents have begun acting strangely because of a large meteorite that crashed nearby.
-Bedlam 3D: A house filled with creeping clowns, ready and willing to chase you through.
-Monster Midway: The hub of Scream-A-Geddon, where visitors kick off the night or head for a break between scares. Food, beverages, games and more.
Tickets for opening weekend are available online for $35.95. Click here for more information.