$100,000 bond for man accused of killing tow-truck driver
TAMPA (FOX 13) - Troy McGuire never finished his shift Sunday morning. He was struck and killed as he prepared to tow a car on the interstate.
Prosecutor Barbara Coleman says Gregory Miller "was extremely disoriented" and drunk.
"He couldn't hold a simple conversation. He was sluggish, he didn't know what he hit, and he described him as just plastered," Coleman said.
Police had arrested three drivers early Sunday morning for racing on Interstate 75 near Big Bend Road
Miller happened to drive up on the scene as McGuire was preparing to tow one of the cars.
Police say Miller veered off the road, barely missing a state trooper before slamming into McGuire.
Investigators say Miller refused a field sobriety test and his blood alcohol results are still pending. But, in court, his attorney Jeff Thomas argued for a lower bond, claiming there's no evidence Miller was drunk.
"I think that it's an assumption that he was bewildered because of alcohol. It could have been any
other factor," Thomas said.
But only factor really mattered to Judge John Conrad: "There's a loss of innocent life here, alleged by his consumption of alcohol; impairment in operating his truck that caused the death of that individual. I can't ignore that fact."
The judge set Miller's bond at $100,000, with certain conditions: He is not allowed to drink alcohol and is not allowed to drive under any circumstances.