Accused hit-and-run driver looking for 4th lawyer
TAMPA (FOX 13) - It's not the first, or even the second time defendant Jennifer Race has parted ways with her attorney.
It now appears her third choice is out, too. On Thursday, she told the judge she's on the hunt for a new one.
"My fiancé is handling it," explained Race.
Appearing frustrated, Hillsborough Circuit Judge Tom Barber asked Race, "How much money do you make in a week, a month, or a year?"
Race responded, "Right now, nothing. I've been in here the last seven months."
Judge Barber has been frustrated by the merry go round of attorneys that seems to have no end in sight.
Race is accused in a hit-and-run crash that killed 83-year-old Lawrence Lockhart nearly two years ago.
Surveillance video from a gas station allegedly shows Race hitching a ride away from the scene.
Lockhart's son, David Lockhart thinks Race is playing games with the system.
"It's never ending. I call it legal gymnastics," said Lockhart.
After repeatedly showing up late for court earlier this year, Judge Barber ordered a warrant for her arrest.
"It's not the first time she hasn't shown up on time. She's going to jail," said Barber.
And minutes later, Race showed up and was promptly handcuffed and taken into custody.
Weeks later, she had excuses for her tardiness.
"I had to drop off my children at school we recently moved so we live a little further," said Race.
But Judge Barber was not amused.
"You're staying in jail. I don't find your explanation genuine in the slightest. I think you know exactly what's going on here. I consider this an intentional act and that's that," said Barber.
Race is back in court in September she may have her fourth attorney by then.