Attorney: Settlement reached in parasailing crash lawsuit

An attorney for two Indiana teenagers who were seriously injured in a Florida parasailing crash says a settlement has been reached in a lawsuit filed by one of the victim's parents.
Wes Pittman is an attorney for Alexis Fairchild and Sidney Good. Pittman tells WXIN-TV "the financial settlements in this case will go a long way toward making their lives much easier."
More information was expected to be released Tuesday during a news conference in Florida.
The Huntington, Indiana, teenagers were seriously injured in July 2013 in Panama City when the rope tethering their parasail to a boat snapped, causing them to crash into a building, a power line and vehicles.
FOX 13's Anjuli Lohn reported on the story. Watch the video above.
Fairchild's parents sued parasail operator Aquatic Adventures Management Group, its owner and Treasure Island Resort Rentals.
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