Betty White Challenge: Hillsborough Pet Resource Center waiving adoption fees

(Original Caption) Betty White, star of DuMont's Life with Elizabeth show, has just about enough time to feed her huge St. Bernard, Stormy, before dashing off to the studio from home.

The adoption fees for 100 dogs and cats waiting for their forever home will be waived at the Hillsborough Pet Resource Center to honor Betty White’s legacy.

The fees will be waived starting Saturday, Jan. 15 The Pet Resource Center will be closed Jan. 16 and 17, but the adoption offer will continue until 100 pets are adopted.

"Since White’s death, a social media movement, #BettyWhiteChallenge, has spread rapidly, encouraging people to donate to animal shelters in White’s honor," according to a statement. "The Pet Resource Center is not requesting money but would gladly accept pet treats, toys, and comfort items. A list of suggested pet items can be found here." 

The shelter is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday to Saturday. Dogs and cats at the shelter are microchipped, vaccinated, registered, and spayed or neutered.

MORE: Betty White suffered a stroke six days before she died

Fans, along with many organizations, plan to pay homage to the late actress and comedian on Jan. 17 — what would have been her 100th birthday — by donating to an animal shelter or rescue mission in her name. 

The Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center

The movement, which has been dubbed the #BettyWhiteChallenge on social media, will pay tribute to White while also helping animals in need. The challenge asks fans to pick a human society, local rescue, or animal shelter in her memory and donate $5 in her name. 

White was a lifelong animal lover who worked tirelessly to raise money and support various causes. White died from natural causes on Dec. 31 at age 99.

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